New Article on Single-Entity Nanoelectrochemistry Published in Small

The team at the Colavita Group, Trinity College Dublin have just published their latest article in Small, entitled Single-Entity Electrochemistry of N-Doped Graphene Oxide Nanostructures for Improved Kinetics of Vanadyl Oxidation

I am very happy to be a co-author on this excellent work and look forward to further collaboration together on future articles!

James A. Behan
James A. Behan
Chargé de Recherche/Assistant Professor CNRS

I am a Chargé de Recherche (Assistant Professor) based at the Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes, France. My research focuses on the areas of nanomaterial electrochemistry, bioelectrochemistry and interfacial science for energy applications. I previously worked as a Marie Curie fellow (Université de Rennes) and postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for BioNano Interactions (CBNI) in the School of Chemistry, University College Dublin and as a postdoc and lecturer in Trinity College Dublin where I completed my PhD in physical chemistry with a focus on electrochemical and spectroscopic characterisation of nitrogenated carbon materials. I completed my Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry at Trinity in 2014, when I graduated at the top of my class.